
Showing posts from April, 2018

Theresa may analysis

here the mirror describes may as scared, almost satirical, they are mocking her, she looks like the has lost control and she has not got a clue and the mirror are targeting her and making the public believe that she is a weak PM. The daily mirror uses words like flip-flops, U-turn and climb-down to suggest that she is weak and that she constantly changes her mind which makes her untrustworthy. the mirror, being a left wing paper would constantly target may and the rest of the government as their views differ. We see the picture that the mirror has selected to make may look weak and they are almost de-feminizing her because she looks so weak and afraid of the future and the pressure that she may be under in the coming months, now this picture is selected out of many pictures as the photographer has tried to frame all of the scenes where she looks weak and afraid and this may be a second where Theresa may looks like this however it still has been taken and now the mirror has the power t...

Representation and Political Ideology

Source A Source B To what extent do the elements of media language used in Sources A and B convey different values, attitudes and beliefs about the world? In your answer you must: Analyse the ways in which media language has been used in combination in sources A and B to convey values, attitudes and beliefs about the world Refer to relevant contexts and academic ideas and arguments in your analysis Draw judgements and conclusions in relation to the question We see Two newspapers that have the story of the past migrant crisis in the UK. The daily mail and the guardian both have interesting views on the migrant crisis with the mail using, almost attacking Cameron for linking them as insects, and we also see this in the main headline "The swarm in our streets" this links them too bees as they are usually associated with the term swarm, and the readers will feel like the mail (being right wing and are in support in brexit although this was before...

comparitive analysis of newspapers

The mail and the I have contrasting yet similar views on the main headline being the bombing of Syria which was conducted by the US, the UK and France. This was debated by many Mps and newspapers from the left wing and the right wing were quick to point out their views on the decision we see on the mail the Delight of trump of the mission and this could suggest that the mail may agree with the mission although this could be debated, The Mail being right wing would support Theresa mays decision to go ahead with the bombings however they do state that there would be some backlash to the decision. However on the I we see that the main news headline is against may suggesting that the I was against the mission, The I being more left wing and more towards labour would disagree with mays actions because they are right wing, and they're against right wing views because they are left wing. the use of the word blast cold indicate that the plan was a success accordin...