Comparing editorial comment

The mail has its own opinions and in such that it comes across as a bit bias towards the right wing. it almost mocks brexit saying in this version of the mail that it is "tragic to see the humiliation of our country" could this be an attack on politics and Britain that is usually right wing, the same as the guardian. however is this an attack on the conservative party and to their leader Theresa may who is shown as a leader who simply can not lead. could the daily mail be attacking the prime minister and to try to persuade the public to turn against may. "Theresa Mays decision to call a snap election must rank as one of the greatest misjudgments made by a peace time prime minister". the guardian however would take both sides into perspective as they are usually mutual and often talk about politics in this kind of way offering a more neutral view that both left and right citizens can view.

Here is another example of a editorial comment which has already been described as childish, here the daily mail has a rant about the left wing maybe an attack on the guardian saying they perform "fake news". clearly the mail are upset about some of the guardians actions and have made their point in this editorial comment.
this followed an incident at finsbury park where people were attacked and the guardian included a picture that clearly the mail did not find amusing
This shows the difference between the guardian and mail and the rivalry that has been developed to politics and it shows a difference between the left wing guardian and the right wing mail.
we clearly 


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