evaluation for filming

obviously the ad is done in a professional way as the brand h&m have the funds to purchase the equipment that we need and the funds to hire professional camera people. we could improve our shots however we do not have the funding or equipment to do this and it is always hard to replicate exatly an ad. the cameras that we used are not as good as the ones that h&m use and this again reference the Superior funding that they have at their disposal. this effects the ad as we are not able to film a perfect version. i truly believe that we did our best to get close to the ads but without the equipment we knew that it was going to be a tough task. we did well to get the costumes and the lighting that we had in the shot and this does benefit us as we are able to make close replicas of the shoots. overall it was a hard task but as a group e were able to achieve good shots.


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